Programa REM em Mato Grosso evitou 160 mil hectares de desmatamento no estado
Programa REM MT lança série de vídeos técnicos sobre Manejo Florestal Sustentável
Websérie ‘Nossos Sabores’ faz uma imersão na riqueza da gastronomia de Mato Grosso

Early Movers - REM


Benefited people
By REM MT in the 7 regionals

Acre under
bottom management
low production

MtCO² and reductions
of emissions of
“We noticed a difference between the areas where the program has activities and the areas that are outside the program. So, we are very confident that this program makes a lot of difference in people’s lives, in addition to keeping the forest standing, which is currently very threatened.”

“It was great to have the opportunity to learn about the history of the community, which went through difficult times and managed to create and protect its culture here. It’s really important that the UK and other countries help protect these areas where families can produce local, native produce and can help the community grow.”

“REM MT contributed to a 300% increase in the state’s capacity to combat deforestation, this is a number to celebrate. Another important contribution was the anti-deforestation monitoring room. This work is a reference for other states in the Legal Amazon, it is a source of pride for REM and the state as well.”

“The UK’s focus, through this emphasis on indigenous people and local communities, is to help them settle where they live, so that it is no longer difficult for them to remain marginalized in the way they have been for generations. We will do everything in our power to support indigenous peoples.”

“Much more than resources, this shows the recognition and confidence of both countries (Germany and the United Kingdom) in the work we are doing here in Mato Grosso for preservation and sustainable development. It is a service that we are providing to the planet and contributing to the reduction of climate change”.

“Livestock farming in Brazil continues to be done as it was done 100 years ago. But, since we entered the project, the reality is different. It's light years from that traditional administration. Everything we learned, we know we can't live without. The seed was planted.”

“As part of the new generation of rural producers, I think it is extremely important to seek more sustainable alternatives to increase productivity in so-called ‘consolidated areas’. I invited my father to come with me and it was interesting to see how someone as experienced as him received the content with curiosity and an open mind.”

“We are going through a very happy moment, because we were already losing our members. Because they had to go looking for another job and a living, because it's getting really difficult here. With this new job, this new learning, my children, brothers and my family are returning to the village. It’s very rewarding.”

“The important thing is that REM reaches the communities with great force and makes a difference. It provides assurance and encourages communities. It has to get off the ground so we can get to where we need to be.”

“REM made a big difference in the lives of associations. We managed to expand, we didn't have our own office before. Today, thank God, we have the office next door, we managed to renovate, paint, buy a solar panel, which made a lot of difference in Cecafs, because energy consumption was quite high”.

“Before REM we were a thing, we weren’t seen. Today, after REM, we are seen, that's why I'm sitting at this table here. I am grateful and grateful for REM and GIZ, because before, not even the government or anyone went to our community to see if we needed anything. It is benefiting all communities in the region.”

“O REM é um grande catalisador, na medida em que ele integra instituições e agências que estão numa interface contra o desmatamento. E isso melhorou e potencializou a efetividade nos resultados.”.

“An action like this, in addition to favoring the strengthening of women as protagonists in the family and community, helps the community to diversify and generate income. It also strengthens the importance of social organization, as the enterprise is moving forward due to joint work between management and pequi producers.”