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Muxirum Quilombola

Cerrado e Pantanal

Municipalities of Nossa Senhora do Livramento, Poconé, Barra do Bugres and Cáceres

R$ 1.500.000,00

Traditional Peoples and Communities

Association of the Rural Black Community Quilombo Ribeirão da Mutuca – ACORQUIRIM

The project aims at the sustainable use of natural resources through the sustainable management of extractive resources existing in quilombola communities such as cumbaru; pequi, bocaiuva and babaçu and the increase in the processing of products from extractivism. Its purpose is to consolidate agroecological production, with the adoption of community gardens and agroforestry systems in the quilombola territories involved, the elaboration and implementation of socio-biodiversity management plans in three quilombola territories, and with the processing unit for products from farms and farms and of Casa do Mel, consolidate community enterprises in new markets, through a network of marketing products with the quilombola brand.

(65) 99330-0589 / (65) 99948-9071

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