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Institutional Strengthening and Structuring Public Policies

Institutional Strengthening and Structuring Public Policies (FIPPE)
It helps to strengthen and integrate institutions that work to prevent and combat deforestation and forest fires in the State and to consolidate the REDD+ system. This structuring takes place, among other actions, through the removal of machinery used illegally in deforestation, monitoring of deforestation via satellite and the provision of daily allowances and equipment to field teams that monitor environmental offenses.
In the first phase of the REM MT Program (2018-2024), the Subprogram supported the strengthening of the state REDD+ system, environmental regularization, monitoring of vegetation cover, and 16 government institutions related to the command and control of illegal deforestation in the state.

Adapted subnational REDD+ system instrument
increase in the capacity to prosecute environmental crimes
new titles for settlements
Terms of commitment for the recovery of degraded areas signed
supported government organizations
Executed value
Amount invested


R$111.41 Mi

R$114.1 Mi

The Produce, Conserve and Include Strategy has attracted the attention of several international actors. In the second phase of the REM MT Program, the Subprogram will support the strategy in local coordination through the development of an action plan to achieve the goals established by the strategy, including coordination activities with international donors, representatives of the private sector and public bodies.
Goal: Consolidate the PCI strategy and strategies and policies to promote sustainable production.
Main Goals:
- PCI strategy implemented and operationalized;
- Coordinated, articulated and disseminated PCI strategy;
- Mato Grosso's timber forest management chain improved to international standards.
In the second phase of the REM MT Program, the focus will be on continuing monitoring and consolidating strategies already implemented, strengthening the fight against deforestation and environmental education activities.
Goal: Strengthen and consolidate the implementation of environmental management and other structuring policies of the State Secretariat for the Environment and partners to reduce CO2 emissions and promote biodiversity conservation.
Main Goals:
- State REDD+ System of the State Climate Change Policy of the State of Mato Grosso consolidated in accordance with the ART TREES 2.0 standard;
- Climate Change Training and Awareness Plan prepared and implemented;
- Improved and consolidated system for environmental regularization;
- Consolidated Forest Cover Monitoring System;
- Improved Integrated MT Command and Control System;
- Other Consolidated and Improved Structural Policies.
In the second phase, part of the support for Family Agriculture and Technical Assistance and Rural Extension will be incorporated into the projects of the Family Agriculture and Traditional Peoples and Communities Subprogram and support for value chains, ensuring greater integration of this support with the activities of the REM MT Program.
Goal: Strengthen policies and strategies for the economic and social inclusion of Traditional Peoples and Communities and Family Farming, whose livelihoods depend on the standing forest.
- Public policies and strategies for economic and social inclusion, for Traditional Peoples and Communities and Family Farming, improved and implemented.
It will support the implementation of the second phase of the REM MT Program, its coordination, including monitoring and communication strategy.
Objective: Efficient and reliable implementation of the REM MT Program.
- Program implemented and activities developed and coordinated;
Support for the implementation of Biodiversity and Sociobiodiversity Conservation Policies.