In addition to supplementing the State in the transfer of conditions to carry out environmental protection, REM MT plays the role of connector of partner institutions, so that the synergy promoted between the various bodies has converged in improving the operating strategy, aligning procedures and potential of results.
Core development
System Development
Regularization Policy
Support for FUNAI
Development of the Family Farming information management nucleus (SEIAF)
Support in the Development of the State Information System for Family Agriculture (SEIAF) of the Department of Family Agriculture of Mato Grosso to collect and manage data and information on family farming in the municipalities of Mato Grosso, including traditional peoples and communities.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | SEAF |
Beneficiaries | State government |
Investment | R$ 4.084.193,84 |
Development of the Monitoring and Management System for Empaer Activities (Sagae)
With financial support from the REM – MT program, it was possible to improve the system and develop a complete application, thus enabling field technicians to collect information with mobile devices, directly on rural farmers' properties. It was also possible to create mechanisms to connect the system with the state government platform, in order to facilitate communication between the farmer in the field, and the company's technician, via chat. This interaction allows you to clarify doubts and immediately help the producer to resolve these doubts.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | EMPAER |
Beneficiaries | State government |
Investment | R$ 4.084.193,84 |
Support for the Land Regularization Policy for state and federal land and settlements – Terra Limpo Project
The REM Program also supports the Terra Limpo Project (Program financed by the Amazon Fund), with resources allocated to cover travel costs for INTERMAT and INCRA technicians, for inspections of settlements in order to support the issuance of titles. 2,942 properties in Rural Settlements in Mato Grosso were regularized between 2020 and 2022.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | INTERMAT, INCRA |
Beneficiaries | State Government, Federal Government |
Investment | R$ 4.084.193,84 |
Support to FUNAI to monitor the execution actions of the Indigenous Subprogram
Provide equipment and logistics necessary to monitor the activities and actions carried out in the 07 regions in the territory of Mato Grosso. Furthermore, support for the Public Policy for Indigenous protection regarding the structuring of inspection bases in the TI Sararé Indigenous Land is in its initial phase. Approximately R$345,000 is being invested in setting up a mobile base within the IT.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | FUNAI |
Beneficiaries | State Government, Federal Government |
Investment | R$ 4.084.193,84 |
Apoio à SEMA na análise de relatórios dos termos de compromisso de recuperação de área degradada – PRA
A partir de inventimentos do Programa REM MT foi realizado a contratação da empresa TENOMAPAS LTDA prestadora de serviço para apoiar a SEMA no Programa de Regularização Ambiental/Cadastro Ambiental Rural – PRA/CAR. São realizadas atividades voltadas ao monitoramento dos termos de ajustamento de conduta oriundos da regularização ambiental de propriedades rurais. Por meio desse monitoramento, garante-se a conformidade das propriedades rurais com as legislações ambientais vigentes, promovendo a conservação e a sustentabilidade dos recursos naturais. Além disso, essas atividades contribuem significativamente para a redução do desmatamento e da degradação ambiental, além de fomentarem práticas agrícolas mais responsáveis e respeitosas com o meio ambiente.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | SEMA |
Beneficiaries | State Government, Federal Government |
Investment | R$ 44.517.763,82 |
Diagnóstico ambiental das bacias hidrográficas de MT
Apoio na institucionalização das 13 Promotorias de Bacia Hidrográfica para atuar nas ações de responsabilização de infratores. Foi apoiado por meio de contratação de consultores a elaboração de diagnóstico ambiental detalhado para cada Bacia Hidrográfica para apoiar as decisões dos Promotores.
Biome | Amazon, Cerrado and Pantanal |
Areas of expertise | State Coverage |
Instituição Beneficiária | SEMA MT, MPMT |
Beneficiaries | State Government, Federal Government |
Investment | R$ 44.517.763,82 |